4th Summer School of
Linked Data in Architecture and Construction


SSoLDAC introduces participants to the principles of the Semantic Web and potential as well as implemented applications of it in the architecture, engineering and construction domain.

Considering the growing interest in these technologies from the AEC industry, this Summer School will provide a starting point for participants that are new to the topic entirely and the opportunity to enhance the understanding and overview of implementations and approaches in the built environment for participants that wish to deepen their knowledge in this field.

For who?

The Summer School brings together MSc and PhD students, researchers and industry professionals from diverse backgrounds such as computer science, architecture, and (civil) engineering. It gives participants the opportunity to explore the possibilities of the semantic web, linked data and web of data technologies for their own research and practice needs in their individual pace and depth, while also providing a place to start your network in this domain.


You should join this Summer School if you want to learn about Semantic Web technologies and their application in the architecture and construction domain, gain experience in designing and querying ontologies and applying them in practical contexts, exploring the already existing approaches to describe Linked Building Data and come up with innovative solutions to support your use cases.

Learn from experts

Experts from academic institutions, research organizations and industry will share their knowledge in a mixture of lectures, hands-on coding and keynote sessions, ranging from introduction lectures to advanced sessions to deepen your knowledge. Outside these lectures, you'll have plenty of time for personal interactions with the lecturers and fellow students to discuss your ideas.

Hands-on experience

An integral part of the Summer School is the application of newly learned knowledge in the Hackathon. Participants, grouped in interdisciplinary teams, will address real world problems and build lightweight applications enabling enrichment, querying and browsing of Linked Building Data sets, cross-domain data exploration and reasoning, generate own small test data sets and formalize existing data sets using adapters. Open data sets and open-source tools will be provided by us, and mentors will be present to help the teams with practical knowledge and hands-on challenges.



Although there are no strict requirements for attendance, it is good to know that we expect the following from participants.

Be interested in

  • New approaches to link building data of different stakeholders and domains via Semantic Web technologies
  • Generating new information from building, product or infrastructure data
  • Designing domain-specific ontologies
  • Aligning domain-specific and generic ontologies
  • Describing building, product or infrastructure data on the Web
  • Converting building, product or infrastructure information to linked data
  • Handling Linked Building Data


  • Some coding experience is highly recommended
  • A laptop with required software already installed, as communicated after registration
  • English language skills, as the Summer School will be held in English
  • Plenty of motivation and spirit of innovation!


Summer School program

These three days will be filled with lectures, hands-on tutorial sessions and guided hackathon sessions where you'll work on coding challenges together with other participants! All days will involve lectures and guided hands-on sessions from 9:00 to 19:00 CEST, followed by the possibility to work on the coding challenge in late-evenings and night hackathons at the same venue with lecturers and tutors available for help.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
09:00 Welcome session Welcome session Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Ekaterina Petrova
09:30 Basics of Linked Building Data
Jeroen Werbrouck
Advanced ontologies
María Poveda-Villalon
10:00 LBD and construction management
Ranjith Soman
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Coffee break Rule checking
Ruben Verstraeten
Coffee break
11:30 LBD and ontologies
Alex Donkers
LBD and maintenance data transformations
Anne Göbels
12:00 LBD and robotization
Jakob Beetz
12:30 Hackathon introduction LBD and spatial querying
Oliver Schulz
13:00 Lunch break and group formation Lunch break
13:30 Lunch break
14:30 Hands-on querying and interaction
Pieter Pauwels
15:00 Hackathon
16:30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
17:00 Hackathon start Hackathon Hackathon
18:30 Guided tour to German Mining Museum
19:30 Diner (in town) Diner LDAC joint opening reception
20:30 Hackathon



The LDAC summer school will host the following lecturers:

Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction




You're able to gain hands-on experience and implement the skill that were taught during the lectures in the Hackathon! Together with peers, several challenges will be solved! Find the challenges below. All challenges, datasets and results will be uploaded to the SSoLDAC2024 GitHub repositories.

Bochum goes LBD

On applying linked building data to geospatial heritage data from the city of Bochum.
Championed by Sven Zentgraf
GitHub repository

What the Check?!

On rule checking using linked building data and the DMN standard.
Championed by Ruben Verstraeten & Jeroen Werbrouck
GitHub repository

Outer Space

On spatial relationships within and in between linked building datasets.
Championed by Anne Göbels & Oliver Schulz
GitHub repository

It's not my fault!

On fault detection in HVAC systems using Machine Learning and linked building data.
Championed by Ekaterina Petrova
GitHub repository



Registration for the summer school is now closed. You can only register for the workshop from this point onwards!

What is included

Registration for the summer school is now closed. You can still register for the workshop. By default, a ticket to the summer school includes access to the workshop, because the workshop sessions are of use to summer school participants (advanced lectures), and the hackathon final presentations are scheduled during the workshop! Indeed, the summer school and workshop programs are overlapping, in order to make the week program as useful as possible for everyone.


The following registration options are available:

  • Early bird Workshop (until 22 April - extended): 250.00 EUR
  • Early bird Summer School + Workshop (closed): 500.00 EUR
  • Regular Workshop (after 22 April - extended): 300.00 EUR
  • Regular Summer School + Workshop (closed): 600.00 EUR

Cancellation policy
Please be advised that cancellations after 17 May 2024 will be subject to a charge of the full paid registration fee. To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide a cancellation notice at least until 17 May 2024 via


Your registration for the Summer School is subject to approval by the SSoLDAC Organizing Committee. This is to make sure that participants have the correct expectations and fitting background information.

Registration for the Summer School happens on a first come, first serve basis. The number of summer school participants is limited to 40. The summer school is now full, and the registration for the summer school is now closed.


Venue and Travel Information

The LDAC2024 Summer School and Workshop will take place in the innovation quarter MARK 51°7 at Ruhr University Bochum (RUB).


The LDAC2024 Summer School and Workshop venue is located in the center of the Ruhr metropolitan region in Germany. With almost 70 hectars in size and the motto "knowledge creates economy" the emerging innovation quarter focuses on bringing together research and industry - right adjacent to Bochum's city centre. While the LDAC Summer School is hosted in the RUB Maker Space, a place where innovation is created in the form of prototypes and discussions, the LDAC Workshop takes place in the Research Centre for the Engineering of Smart Product Service Systems (ZESS), which aims at forming cooperations between research and practice. The Chair of Computing in Engineering at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of RUB provides the local organization.

With almost 40,000 students, 20 faculties, 12 collaborative research centers and more than 135 spin-offs (since 2019) the Ruhr University Bochum is one of the biggest universities in Germany, providing excellent research, teaching and transfer-orientation in Bochum, right in the centre of the Ruhr metropolitan region.

picture zeiss
picture zeiss
picture zeiss

Travel from Dortmund Airport

The nearest airport is the Dortmund airport (DTM) in Dortmund. From Dortmund airport, public transportation is available to Bochum central station with bus and regional trains via Dortmund central station. From Bochum central station, tram lines 302, 305, and 310 take you to the LDAC2024. Public transportation tickets are available via VRR.

Travel from Düsseldorf Airport

Düsseldorf Airport (DUS) is within short distance of Bochum as well. As a central airport in the Ruhr area, there are many international connections and public transportation to Bochum is frequent. The trip from Düsseldorf to Bochum is available from the DUS airport train station directly via regional trains to Bochum central station. From Bochum central station, tram lines 302, 305, and 310 take you to the LDAC2024. Public transportation tickets are available via VRR.

ZESS directions

RUB Makerspace directions


For accommodation during the LDAC2024 we recommend the listed accommodations. In addition to the three hotels in the city centre of Bochum, there is also the possibility to book rooms at reasonable prices in the guest house of the Landesspracheninstitut (LSI)/state language institute of the Ruhr University Bochum. When choosing a hotel, you should make sure that a tram stop on line 302 is nearby so that you can get to the ZESS and Makerspace venue quickly. All accommodation within walking distance of the main railway station is therefore well located. It is necessary to travel by bus from the LSI.



The LDAC Workshop and Summer School are organised by a group of Local Organisers, an LDAC Team, and a Summer School Organiser's Team.

Local Organisation

LDAC Committee



You can support LDAC2024 through one of the options in the sponsoring package (silver, gold, diamond). If you are interested, then please get in touch via ldac2024[AT] Also any other message related to this website or to LDAC review procedures and organisation can be sent to this address.


Diamond sponsors

Gold sponsors

Silver sponsors

Organisational Support